Some of us have reached the point of culmination where our
indecisiveness collides with the end of our college career. We are now,
according to Instagram and Twitter, nearly a couple months away before we take
those exhilarating yet fearsome steps across the stage to receive the document
we have strived for the past four (+) years of our lives. This is great. Really
great. So they say. Yet, we all don't feel that way. We have these anxious
thoughts and impatience of what might come on the other side of that stage as
we exit into the full "adult life." Changing our entire world
potentially entering into the workforce or entering school yet again. Right now
we have the worries of awaiting the response letters to whether we're accepted
into programs or the countless Google searches in hopes that a job opening
might appear. And on top of all of that, finishing the coursework to earn the
degrees to enter into the abyss of what is to come.
Through all of this though, one thing is sure. One thing has
been sure throughout all of our major switches, life goals, relationship triumphs
and failures, and the growing periods we have walked through during these
trying and fulfilling years on campus: Christ. He has been guiding and shaping
us throughout each stage of this journey we have encountered and why would He
end now?
We are promised throughout Scripture time and time again of
His faithfulness to His people. Throughout the trials Israel faced and the
countless times they turned from the Lord, He still remained steadfast.
“Listen to me, O house of Jacob, all the remnant of the house
of Israel, who have been borne by me from before your birth, carried from the
womb; even to your old age I am he, and to gray hairs I will carry you. I have
made, and I will bear; I will carry and will save." (Isaiah 46:3-4 ESV)
He keeps His promises to those He has called. Even after
countless generations and failure amongst the people of Israel, the Lord our
God bore them still. Carried and saved them. This same God does the same for
us. And because of His steadfastness, we can trust in the future and rid
ourselves of the anxieties that plague us.
This is a very difficult task. Patience while we await what
may happen to us is hard. I am in a period of waiting as I embark on an
extensive year application. Waiting can be rough, especially in our nature of
doubts and worrisome thoughts of what our lives might become. But when we reach
the point of this understanding:
"For none of us lives to himself, and none of us dies
to himself. For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the
Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's. For to
this end Christ died and lived again, that he might be Lord both of the dead
and of the living." (Romans 14:7-9 ESV)
We are Christ's. What a powerful thing to behold. Our lives
are His. He died to save and redeem us and we live to Him because of that
sacrificial gift bestowed upon our lives. So our anxieties and worries about
what is to come need only to be cast upon our Lord who is the keeper of our
lives in life and death.
But this is difficult to do. How do we forgo our nature in
worrisome thoughts and doubt?
We begin in prayer. That the Lord would remove our anxieties
and we may trust in His everlasting promises that are our's in Him.
We continue through the reading of His Word. To continue in
growth and knowledge of what His living word may teach us about His promises
and faithfulness as a continued reminder.
We live our lives as we are called. We are placed in certain
situations and places on our campuses and have been given certain gifts. So we
must continue strong through the end of our times here that we may honor and
glorify Him in all things. Then trust in May that whatever happens, He is
sovereign and in control. Trust in this promise today my fellow seniors as we
continue to the end that is only the beginning of our lives.