Thursday, February 19, 2015

As We Gather Again...

December of 2013 a few thousand college students gathered in Louisville, KY for the Cross conference, which stands to equip and mobilize students for their role in reaching the nations with the Gospel. As my readers then, I asked for your prayer over us in how God may shape and fashion us for His calling in this upon our lives and the work He would do during the few days we spent there.

In a few short weeks we will be returning to the conference, but in our respective cities and campuses, simulcasting Undaunted, seeing how the Lord may equip and move in us even more for our role in making His name be glorified amongst all peoples. 

As we gather once again around God's Word to seek understanding and insight into His purposes for missions I ask for your prayer in preparation and throughout in a few ways for those who will be tuning into the simulcast: 

1. Pray for those who attended Cross 2013 and committed to seeking missions as a viable option for what God is calling them to do. As they return, they may still be in waiting to see what is next or in the process of pursuing a missional life internationally and what they may learn through God's Word in preparation for this. 

2. Pray for the new attendees and what God will have in store for their lives as they seek to honor Him. I know personally I grew a great deal at Cross 2013 and I'm sure can learn even more this year. I'm excited to see how the Lord may work through those who have yet to attend and what He may teach and place on their hearts through this time we have together. 

3. Pray for the speakers. As all are very prominent in our Christian society, pray that they may continue to be humbled before our God and used to bring Him glory through the teaching of His Word and the encouragement they are bringing to students calling us to step out in faith and place a blank check before God with our lives as Platt spoke of during Cross 2013.

4. Pray for those already on the field. Pray for the fruitful laborers scattered across the globe who are working patiently and diligently to bring the gospel to those who haven't heard. Pray for their safety in Christ and that they may continue to seek Christ and trust in His sovereignty through all things they face cross-culturally. 

5. Pray for the senders. Pray for those who are called to stay and reach those in their surrounding. And as they reach those placed in their workplaces and cities that God would work in them and provide in a way to where they are able to support and uplift our brothers and sisters serving internationally through prayer and monetary support to where they may continue the work God is calling them. 

I am extremely thrilled to see how God may move and work through us and all others gathering around our screens February 27th to tune into this simulcast. May God be honored and praised by our time together that we will be moved to act in bringing the Gospel to those who have not heard.

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